His skin, once a dark brown, became the color of paste, a transition he blamed on the skin disease vitiligo. 他原本深棕的肤色竟一夜变白。虽然他本人声称是白癜风所致。
Color silver paste series, while maintaining the original quality, so that welding is more beautiful goods more luster. 彩色银焊膏系列,在保持原有品质上,使焊品更美观更光彩。
The yield of tomato powder, microscopic characteristics and color change of tomato power from tomato paste with different pectin contents were evaluated. 结果表明:在相同喷雾干燥工艺条件下,番茄粉的得率与番茄酱的果胶含量成正比;
Nantong original color, such as beautiful, silk cut and paste, wood engravings, Deng Cai and so on. 如南通独创的彩锦绣、丝绸剪贴、木版画、灯彩等等。
Effect of the Color Paste's Content on Temperature-fall Coatings 色基比对降温涂料功能型性能的影响
The effect of grinding equipments on the color paste grinding efficiency was analyzed. 简单分析了研磨设备的选择对色浆研磨效率的影响。
Genetic Variation and Selection in PUE among Liriodendron Chinese Provenance; Genetic Variation of Seed Color and Produce Sweetened Bean Paste Rate of Adzuki Bean Germplasm Resources 马褂木种源磷素利用效率的遗传变异与优良种源选择红小豆种质资源子粒色泽及出沙率的遗传变异
Major issues which may meet while using universal color paste and the way to manage them. 以及通用色浆应用中的主要问题及解决途径。
Combined with practical applications, factors affecting reactive printing quality are concluded, such as the grey fabric, printed fabric, printing machines, printing process, color paste, as well as post treatment. 阐述影响针织物活性印花质量的因素,如坯布、印坯、印花设备、印花工艺、色浆、后处理和后整理等;
The use of color paste for general uses and modern color matching technique in architectural fluro-carbon coatings 通用色浆和现代电脑调色技术在建筑氟碳涂料中的应用
Superiority while using universal color paste and the tinting system; 使用通用色浆及调色系统的优势;
Differences between universal color paste and those socalled liquified pigment; 通用色浆与液体颜料的区别;
S: General color paste is synthesized by selecting and quantifying the resin, pigment, disperser and mixed solvents. Dispersion stability is tested by rub-up. 通过对树脂、颜料、分散剂和混合溶剂的选择和定量,合成了通用色母。
The color of soy sauce paste was transformed from color of soy sauce paste mash in paste making and had consistency and synchronous transforming relationship with optimal maturity degree. 在制酱过程中,酱的颜色是由酱醅色转变而来的,酱醅色又与酱醅成熟度有着一致性及同步发展转换关系。
A new suspending agent which is mainly composed of PS-1231 was prepared as color paste. 以PS&1231多糖为主要成分研制出新型色浆悬浮剂。
In addition, alkali_resistant disperse and stable and less staining reactive dyes are selected, with urea dose in the color paste controlled at7%, and cleaning agent added to the washing bath. 二是印花原浆采用半乳化浆,染料选用耐碱型分散染料和稳定性好、对涤纶沾污小的活性染料,色浆中尿素用量控制在7%;三是水洗中加清洗剂处理。
Selection of disperser used in color paste of auto-repairing paint 汽车修补涂料色母用分散剂的选用
Preparation and usage of printing color paste in pigment resist reactive process 涂料防活性印花色浆的调配与使用
The general printing process of polyamide fabric with weak acid dyes was analyzed from fixing temperature, pH value of color paste and dosage of urea to fixation yield. 从固色温度、色浆pH值、尿素用量等方面,分析了锦纶织物弱酸性染料印花的基本工艺。
Determination of solvents in leather color paste by gas chromatography 进口色浆中溶剂的气相色谱分析
Proper selection of adhesive, pigment color paste and production equipment, and optimization of processing parameters help tackle such difficult technical problems as hand touch, color fastness, pattern sharpness and color brightness affecting the quality of all_pigment printed products. 通过粘合剂、涂料色浆、生产设备的选择以及工艺参数的优化,解决了影响真丝绸全涂料印花产品手感与牢度、花形轮廓清晰度、色泽鲜艳度的技术难题。
Quality characters of seeds of adzuki bean local varieties from major production areas in China, including 100-seed weight, seed coat color, bean paste yield, starch content, size of starch granules, etc were appraised. 对来源于我国主产区小豆地方品种籽粒百粒重、种皮色泽、出沙率、淀粉含量及淀粉粒大小等品质性状进行了鉴定评价。
Analysis of the color of soy sauce paste 酱醅色的剖析
The discharge printing with DBK100/ FA100 featured high color fastness and fine pattern, convenient paste preparation and simple process. 用该助剂拔染印花后,图案的色牢度高、色泽鲜艳、花型精细,印花色浆调制方便,应用工艺简单。
High quality color paste for universal uses 高品质通用色浆及其应用
In the nearly twenty years, Chinese coatings enterprises have been greatly developed in scale and quantity. The vast majority of the world famous enterprises have set up factories in China. Color paste is one of the major raw materials for paint palette. 近二十年来,国内涂料企业在规模和数量上都得到了极大的发展,世界上绝大多数著名企业也都在中国开设工厂。
As an integral part of color paste, the paste, whose rheological properties are the major factors that affect printing results, determines the shade, color yield, sharp definition, print uniformity and feel of printed fabrics to a large extent. 糊料是印花色浆的重要组成部分,其流变性能是影响印制效果的重要因素,在很大程度上决定了印花织物的色光、表面得色量、花纹轮廓清晰度、印制均匀性以及织物的手感。
The color uniformity of LD paste is better than sodium alginate. LD糊料的给色均匀性比海藻酸钠好。